Етикет: Банков

Dr. Stefan Bankov: East/West Christian Solidarity


Dr. Stefan Bankov, founder of East-West Christian Solidarity, hosted a short-term mission team of junior-high, high-school and college-age students from Bel Air’s drama department in 1998. The team traveled to Bourgas, Bulgaria, where the team performed a rendition of the Parables to throngs of people in Dr. Bankov’s church. Alongside Dr. Bankov, our very own Dr. Michael Wenning and the Rev. Roger Dermody took part in baptizing more than 500 individuals in the Black Sea. […]



One of them was Dr. Stefan Bankov, perhaps the immigrant with greatest influence for the Bulgarian Protestant scholasticism. Immigrating to the United States in 1969 after being severely persecuted in Bulgaria, Bankov earned a doctoral degree in theology and dedicated his life to one great purpose, namely the preparation of the first concordance of the Bulgarian Bible. The concordance was completed in 1986 before the era of the personal computer. After the fall of the […]

Преп. пастир д-р Стефан Банков (1934-2021)

Преп. пастир д-р Стефан Банков (1934-2021)

Преп. пастир д-р Стефан Банков 26 октомври 1934 – 15 октомври 2021   На 15 октомври  2021,  ПРЕМИНА В БОЖИЯТА СЛАВА п-р д-р Стефан Банков, на 87г П-р д-р Банков извървя Христовия път и не само опази своята вяра, но като богослов, автор и пастор остави богато духовно наследство за хиляди други вярващи чрез своите проповеди, писмени трудове и усърдна душегрижителска и милосърдна дейност! Славянският библейски конкорданс и енциклопедия, съставен от него с дългогодишен денонощен труд, […]